Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Web Portal Dengan CMS 3 Langkah Mudah Membuat

Berikut 3 Langkah Mudah Membuat Web Portal Dengan CMS tanpa biaya

1. Memilih Software CMS yang gratis (www.mag-corp.com)

Bermacam-macam cara untuk membuat suatu web portal, salah satunya Anda bisa gunakan CMS (content management System). Dengan CMS anda dapat membuat website lengkap dengan mudah dan cepat. CMS ada yang open source (kode sumbernya diberikan secara gratis) dan ada yang commercial (kode sumbernya harus dibeli).

Biasanya CMS yang open soure juga menggunakan server web programing yang gratis. CMS yang cukup terkenal dan paling banyak digunakan adalah PHP-Nuke dan Joomla. Kabar baiknya, orang indonesia telah membuat software CMS yang di berikan secara gratis bagi siapa saja yang ingin membuat web portal dengan CMS. Software CMS tersebut di beri nama AuraCMS, yang bisa Anda donwload secara gratis.

2. Memilih Domain Gratis

Setelah Anda yakin ingin menggunakan AuraCMS untuk membangun web portal Anda, lahkah selanjutnya Anda harus mempunyai sebuah domain terlebih dahulu. Tips memilih nama domain pun telah di tuliskan oleh Mas Agus Ramadhani disini. Jika Anda ingin yang gratis untuk nama domain website Anda, bisa Anda gunakan domain co.cc.

Tentunya Anda harus mendaftar telibih dahulu untuk menggunakan domain co.cc. Silahkan Anda klik disini untuk segera meluncur ke website tersebut. Berita menariknya domain co.cc ini telah support dengan bahasa indonesia, jadi Anda yang bahasa inggrisnya glepotan seperti saya tidak perlu kwatir menjalankan instruksi-instrusi yang di berikanya pada saat pendaftaran.

3. Memilih Hosting Gratis

Kemudian setelah Anda mempunyai Software CMS untuk web portal dan domain co.cc, telah Anda pilih untuk di jadikan alamat website Anda, langkah terahir Anda memilih hosting. Seperti yang saya katakan di atas, bahwa di dunia maya ini juga banyak baget yang menyediakan layanan hosting gratis. Namun apabila Anda ingin menggukan hosting yang berbayar bisa Anda gunakan www.rumahweb.com dan lagi-lagi Mas Agus Ramadhani (Oom) telah menuliskanya tips memilih hosting yang di jabarkan secara detail untuk melihatnya silahkan klik disini.

Apabila Anda masih sayang dengan uang Anda untuk membeli hosting! coba anda gunakan layanan hosting gratis 000webhost. Hosting gratis dengan space 250 MB ini, cocok untuk menampung software AuraCMS seperti yang telah saya sebutkan di atas. Hosting gratis ini mempunyai banyak fitur-fitur yang cukup menarik di antaranya adalah 250 MB of disk space, 100 GB of data transfer, support PHP and MySQL, cPanel control panel, FTP Exsternal dan masih banyak lagi fitur-fitur lainya. Jadi tunggu apa lagi silahkan Anda klik disni untuk langsung menggunakan webhosting gratis tersebut untuk web portal Anda.

Selamat mencoba untuk membuat web portal tanpa biaya, dengan 3 langkah yang saya sebutkan di atas. Lalu bagaimana untuk mengimplementasikanya dari ke 3 Langkah mudah membuat web portal tanpa biaya tersebut? Lain kali saya akan menuliskanya step-by-step dari ketiga lagkah tersebut.

CMS CMNP Jajaki Penjualan

Mengenai kinerja CMS, saat ini boleh dibilang kurang profitable bagi perusahaan. Sebab target volume lalu lintas kendaraan yang melewati jalan tol tersebut hanya sebanyak 15 ribu kendaraan per hari, jauh di bawah target yang ditetapkan sebanyak 54 ribu kendaraan per hari.

Dampaknya, perolehan pendapatan bulanan CMS hanya mencapai Rp 2 miliar per bulan yang hampir seluruhnya terserap untuk membiayai kegiatan operasional. Sementara pada saat yang sama CMS, harus melakukan pembayaran bunga pinjaman bulanan sebesar Rp 10 miliar.

Menanggapi hal itu Shadik tidak membantahnya. Menurutnya perseroan sedang mengkaji untuk memperbaiki kinerja CMS, dan telah menunjuk konsultan untuk membuat kajian tersebut dan diharapkan selesai pada September 2008.

Tidak tercapainya target jumlah kendaraan harian yang melewati jalan tol Waru-Juanda, juga dipicu oleh belum dibangunnya jalan tol pendukung yang menghubungkan Waru-Mojokerto, Waru-Tanjung Perak dan Middle Eastern Ring Road.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Utama CMNP yang saat itu masih dijabat Daddy Hariadi, pernah menyatakan bahwa CMNP akan melepas sebagian kepemilikan sahamnya di CMS ke investor strategis.

Saham yang akan dilepas sekitar 20 persen, dan tidak menutup kemungkinan CMNP akan melepas setengah dari kepemilikan sahamnya di CMS. Kabarnya ada beberapa investor strategis yang tengah menjajaki kemungkinan untuk membeli saham CMS, diantaranya Saratoga, Grup Bakrie dan Bosowa.

CMS untuk Online Learning , ATutor

Proyek Open Source telah berlangsung cukup lama, namun sampai saat ini, masih belum cukup banyak organisasi yang mau mengakui pergerakan Open Source dalam menjalankan misinya, sehingga banyak orang masih belum mengenal apa itu Open Source dan Free Software. Untungnya, hal ini tidak lagi terjadi, karena PBB (Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa) telah mendirikan sebuah organisasi yang bertugas untuk mempromosikan Open Source dan juga Free Software. Nama organisasi ini adalah IOSN (International Open Source Network), yang berada di bawah pengelolaan organisasi lain, yaitu UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). Aktivitas utama dari IOSN terkait dengan teknologi dan aplikasi FOSS (Free/ Open Source Software) di kawasan Asia Pasifi k. Tujuan utama dari dibentuknya IOSN adalah membuat supaya negara-negara di kawasan Asia Pasifi k dapat menghasilkan perkembangan ekonomi dan sosial yang cepat dengan menggunakan solusi FOSS ICT yang efektif untuk menjembatani fenomena digital yang sekarang ini sudah melanda seluruh penjuru dunia. Bahkan organisasi ini menetapkan tanggal 28 Agustus menjadi hari kebebasan software.

Jasa Desain Website Indonesia

Blogger ke jasa desain website dalam dunia perblogan (terserah dech ) mau omong apa..Sudah mulai masuk Dimana seorang blogger yg udah joss ,sakti ,nggak ada waktu ,bahkan ide2 cemerlang sampai nggak sempat menulis.Untuk itu memerlukan namanya seorang jasa desain website.Oppss ngomong ngalor ngidul …terus jasa desain website yang handal di Indonesia siapa ya kira2 ???….Murah ,kualitas bagus,seo ..dan bisa cepat ke index di google.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

C# code in Creating CRM-emails

I have in a previuos post described how to programmatically download a SQL RS report, create a CRM email and attach the report as a pdf to it and send it. This is quite many steps and sometimes it will just be good enough to send mails, for instance when developing addons for workflows.

email em = new email();

activityparty fromparty = new activityparty();
fromparty.partyid = new Lookup();
fromparty.partyid.type = EntityName.systemuser.ToString(); //Change to some other entity if needed.
fromparty.partyid.Value = FROM-SYSTEMUSER-GUID;
em.from = new activityparty[] { fromparty };

activityparty toparty = new activityparty();
toparty.partyid = new Lookup();
toparty.partyid.type = EntityName.contact.ToString(); //Change to some other entity if needed
toparty.partyid.Value = TO-CONTACT-GUID;
em.to = new activityparty[] { toparty };

em.subject = SUBJECT-STRING;
em.sender = "crm@example.com";

em.regardingobjectid = new Lookup();
em.regardingobjectid.type = EntityName.REGARDING ENTITY TYPE.ToString();
em.regardingobjectid.Value = REGARDING OBJECT GUID;
em.description = BODY-STRING;

em.ownerid = new Owner();
em.ownerid.type = EntityName.systemuser.ToString();
em.ownerid.Value = OWNER-SYSTEMUSER-GUID;
Guid createdEmailGuid = service.Create(em);

SendEmailRequest req = new SendEmailRequest();
req.EmailId = createdEmailGuid;
req.TrackingToken = "";
req.IssueSend = true;

// Send the email message.
SendEmailResponse res = (SendEmailResponse)service.Execute(req);

I find this code very helpfull. It can probably be generalized by using BusinessEntity object and so forth but I am usually quite satisfied with this.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Symfony Framework Updated To v1.1 The Web PHP

A framework streamlines application development by automating many of the patterns employed for a given purpose. A framework also adds structure to the code, prompting the developer to write better, more readable, and more maintainable code. Ultimately, a framework makes programming easier, since it packages complex operations into simple statements.

Symfony is a complete framework designed to optimize the development of web applications by way of several key features. For starters, it separates a web application’s business rules, server logic, and presentation views. It contains numerous tools and classes aimed at shortening the development time of a complex web application. Additionally, it automates common tasks so that the developer can focus entirely on the specifics of an application. The end result of these advantages means there is no need to reinvent the wheel every time a new web application is built!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Look And Logo web Social CMS Buzz

As our regular readers will no doubt noticed by now Social CMS Buzz has a brand new look, the main aim of this process was to make the site blog, forums and pligg install more fluid for our visitors. Our great new logo is courtesy of GraphicsGuru owner of the fabulous.

So what will we be doing with our old Blog and Pligg theme as shown below, well later this week we will be announcing a way that one lucky reader who has a brand new pligg startup can win our old blog and pligg theme.

Monday, July 21, 2008

e107 WOW and AoC Themes

Hi, I am looking for someone who will create two themes for e107. One WOW (World of Warcraft) and one AoC (Age of Conan). Would be happy about a (maybe not too high) bidding.

Current design e107 WOW and AoC Themes (again) freelance project is offered at getafreelancer. You will need to have Coder account before you place your bid. If interested, you can get your getafreelancer account. In case you already have an account with getafreelancer, You can check Projects Details and Apply for e107 WOW and AoC Themes (again) Freelance Project.

Free CMS Script - e107 0.7.11

e107 is a content management system written in php and using the popular open source mySQL database system for content storage. It's completely free and totally customisable, and in constant development.

Sony NW E107 Network Walkman 1 GB Digital Music Player

Sony’s NW-E107 stores your favorite MP3s for travelling, working or anything else. The 1GB of memory stores up to 695 songs in ATRAC3plus compression - and you can enjoy it all in one shot, with the 70-hour playback. Weighing less than an ounce, it can be carried comfortably for days. Supports Compatible withteh Sony Connect Music Store Includes music management software for importing, managing and transferring your digital music collections Multi Language display of encoded text with artist name, disc name, and/or track name Backlit LCD display for easy viewing of song data and more Earbuds included.

Mã nguồn PHp script, PHP Shopping Cart

The Well Known osCommerce PHP Shopping Cart! However This Is NOT The Snapshot Version! This Is The MILESTONE RELEASE!:osCommerce is quickly becoming the shopping cart of choice for many online merchants! This script is simply AWESOME! You can literally have a store set up and ready to take orders within an hour! The script comes with a VERY easy to use admin section where you add all of the products, manage customers, shipping, tax, payment process, inventory, and just so much more to mention! You can use MANY, MANY different payment gateways with osCommerce including PayPal, 2Checkout, authorize.net, and many more! This version of the script is NOT simply the snapshot version THIS IS THE MILESTONE

Friday, July 18, 2008

Silva open source CMS use many institutions

Silva is built upon the advanced Zope application server which offers a through-the-web management interface, a flexible templating language, relational database integration besides its built-in object database, security infrastructure, XML support, extensibility with new components, scalability through clustering, and many other things. Zope and Silva are written in Python.

Which is the best Open Source CMS to manage ACL?

Joomla and Drupal are currently considered the top two open source content management systems (CMS)  out there.

Drupal fails on such elements as Shopping Carts, Event Calendars, Document Management, and Themes. The majority of these items are functions or features which are considered lacking in the Drupal CMS. Regarding the other CMS, Joomla fails to deliver in such elements as user permission, content management, multi-site management, and standard's compliance. Joomla fails in elements that are more architecture centric.

The main plus Drupal offers in comparation with Joomla! (even 1.5), are unlimited section/categorisation, SEF url's that just work, and, answering your question, granular control of users, groups, and permissions.

Download Pheap Free CMS Script

You've just completed a gorgeous new design, ready to be released into the wild. Suddenly it strikes you, how will my client, or myself manage this content? Will I have to dive into this code to add an apostrophe, or copy-paste an ambiguous chunk of code to add a new paragraph to my front page, or post a new article? What about if I want to delete a comment, will I have to fire up the MySQL database manager and sift through all those tables and rows? No Way! Pheap was made by a web designer/developer for the specific purpose of latching itself in at the end of a project and managing the content simply and effectively!
Pheap was created because Spencer believes massive CMSs like Joomla and Drupal are a vast overkill for 80% of website owners. New features allow you to manage content in a database as well. For instance, if you keep a callender of events stored in a database table, you can easily set up a rule that allows you to add, edit and delete those events. All from the comfort of the Pheap admin panel!

Download Free CMS Script Php-Fusion

PHP-Fusion is a light-weight open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP4. It uses a mySQL database to store your site content and includes a simple yet comprehensive adminstration system. PHP-Fusion includes the most common features you would expect to see in many other CMS packages including news, articles, forums, polls, shoutbox, comments, ratings & much more.

Free CMS Script Ovidentia

Ovidentia is a portal Generator for companies, organizations or communities allowing an administrable management for publications of informations, forums of discussions, shareable diaries, FAQs, Workflow, file sharing and mail interface....With a WYSIWYG HTML editor to publish articles, news, posts or write emails. Ovidentia is 100% PHP and require Unix, Linux, or Windows NT/2000/XP and a Web server Apache or IIS with PHP and MySQL.

Free Download purple and Black Flash Template

Here's a simple, purple design. It's not too flashy, but perfect for those who like purple, squares or both! Enjoy!

I have had quite a few message from people saying they are getting an error when they try and install my .xml templates. As I have mentioned before, I do test them all and I know they work.

I have discovered that some people are downloading the .zip file (this is how all my templates are presented) and then trying to install this!! Of course this is going to produce an error because you can't expect to install a zipped folder and expect it to work!
You have to UNZIP the zipped folder and within the folder you will find the .xml template, a folder with images and my T&C.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

PHP /MYSQL Script providing complete online auction solutions

MAG  the best Auction Portal script software available in the Universe. Being a PHP /MYSQL Script providing complete online auction solutions, it has now expanded to offer services such as Merchant Solutions, Packaged Software and Enterprise Solutions. Unlike the various majorities of services out there we make a difference!

We have a variety of options to assist you. Explore deep into the various options that we offer you before you go on to choose the one that matches your business.

We proudly introduce the World's First Desktop Based Admin Software (DBAS) with the MAG Merchant solutions offering affordable provisions for paying subscriptions on Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly ,Annual or Biennial basis. Take hold of our unlimited free technical support that we offer with our Merchant solutions. You just need to register domain name, the rest we take care.

MAG Package services comes with all enhanced Auction features and Global Package services,and excellent Add On facilities to upgrade your products.

MAG Enterprise Services is an entire suite of applications and services for building auction websites. It is a variation of every auction with more enhanced features.Open source code , Elite support services , Life time license are the highlights here.

CMS Cameron McKenna - UK

Anyone can claim to be truly client focused. At CMS Cameron McKenna we’ve launched one of the legal sector’s most comprehensive client feedback programmes to measure just how focused we are.

Our strategy is founded on a basic principle: success in our business will come through the consistent delivery of quality, value and service to our clients. It’s not a strategy about being the biggest or having the widest range of service, it’s about doing what we do consistently well.

We’ve placed how we organise, coach and develop our people at the very heart of our strategy. In short, our people are key to our success. We believe that taking care of our people and investing in their development, helps us deliver the very best legal advice.

We’ve built our strategy around four key areas or values:

Better client relationships: we invest time and resources in building long term relationships with our clients, based on trust, honesty and openness. Why? Because we believe that in order to deliver the very best, we have to get under the skin of our clients’ businesses. To live and breathe their business issues almost as well as they do.

Better management of people: as a relationship business, we’re only as good as the people who work within the firm. We provide clear focus on what our people need to do, develop them so they can do it and support them while they do it. We invest in our people and focus on providing a supportive and stimulating environment, built on mutual trust and respect. Why? Because we recognise that everyone in CMS Cameron McKenna has a role to play in our success.

Teamwork: this means we spend more of the time we don’t spend with clients with colleagues. We continually look for better ways to work in teams across the business. Why? Because we believe the results are exponentially better; for our clients and for our business.

Personal development: the development of our people is crucial to our business and we invest in enabling talented individuals to further their careers by offering comprehensive learning and development activities, including coaching and mentoring. Why? Because we believe that more fully-rounded individuals deliver better, more commercial service.

It's no mistake that three of these areas are internally focused. We believe that if we don't get our internal processes and structures right, we cannot deliver services that our clients value.

Monday, July 14, 2008

CMS Winchester - UK Content Management System

CMS (content management system) can unlock your website's selling potential. But it has to be used intelligently and created with the all-powerful search engines in mind.

At MAG Studios we keep content management simple: you won’t find convoluted HTML, boring templates, badly written machine code, or confusing user interfaces on any of our customer websites. Getting CMS wrong can be an instant turn-off for search engines, losing your site valuable visitor traffic.

We’ll make sure your site is not baffling or intimidating, and that you stay firmly in control. And we’ll suggest additional modules and site facilities as and when you need them, such as:

  • FAQ manager
  • manager
  • Vacancy manager
  • Password protected members only areas
  • Guest books / blogs
  • Discussion forums
  • Bespoke applications can also be written and integrated seamlessly

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Running a PHP program in a CGI Program written in C

Well, scalability is probably Python-sided if you use FastCGI. Otherwise, I would say PHP. One thing to keep in mind: if you're integrating with a C system, Python is FAR easier to write interfaces for. Python really allows you to build true systems and processes. php is an imbedded language that is fairly limited, while Python is a general purpose programming language. For something as complex as a web-based mail system I would say Python because it allows you to do so much more than php. But, if you aren't going to be doing more than what php would do anyhow, they're no reason to move to Python unless you just like it more.

Sniffing Apache over Windows with PHP program

I do not know if this fits here very well but as long as some of simpleSAMLphp users are using Apache over Windows I have thought that this information could be useful.

It has been shown that due to the way that Apache binds to port 80 in Windows environments, it is possible from a php program hosted in an Apache Server in Windows to gain access to any traffic being sent to the server. I attach a more detailed explanation and a video showing a proof of concept:

Fox to Share Revenue From Reruns

General Electric Co.'s NBC began offering shows for sale on Apple Computer Inc.'s iTunes last December; Walt Disney Co.'s ABC this week said it would begin offering such shows as "Lost" and "Alias" on ABC.com free of charge. Neither network shares revenue from those ventures with affiliates.

The Fox deal isn't unprecedented. ABC agreed in 1999 to give stations a cut of revenue from daytime soap operas reshown later in the day on Disney's upstart cable network Soapnet.

Local stations have long enjoyed exclusive rights to air new shows, but technology is forcing the industry to reshape its business models. Stations worry that selling shows on iTunes -- or in Fox's case streaming programs on MySpace, News Corp.'s social networking site -- will cut into their ratings, and thus ad sales.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Jobs Promises iPhone Will Bring Web 2.0 To Mobile

Steve Jobs today in his keynote (or is it Jobsnote) at WWDC in San Francisco talked up the iPhone as a truly mobile Web 2.0 solution. Jobs said that the power of the "full" Safari browser on the iPhone lets developers design and use real, Web 2.0 applications like widgets. That's right, third-party developers will be able to make applications for the iPhone. But just how easy will it be? Is this real or just more of the reality distortion field?

Jobs said that it will be easy for developers to design new applications for the iPhone. Here is a look at Jobs' pitch (along with another blogger's comments):

"We have been trying to come up with a solution to expand the capabilities of the iPhone so developers can write great apps for it, but keep the iPhone secure. And we've come up with a very. Sweet. Solution. Let me tell you about it. An innovative new way to create applications for mobile devices... it's all based on the fact that we have the full Safari engine in the iPhone."

Is the Web still the Web?

This first stab at Flash search still sounds somewhat primitive, but it raises an issue of importance to all Internet application developers. Given the growing number of data types and file formats being transmitted over HTTP and the increasing complexity of the applications that make use of them, is today's Web really still the Web? Or is it morphing into something else? How can we ensure that today's Web apps offer enough capabilities and flexibility to make Web 2.0 worthy of its name?

When Tim Berners-Lee first envisioned the Web in the 1980s, he saw it as primarily an information storage and retrieval system, based on the concept of hypertext. Web documents were fundamentally text, embellished with a markup language (HTML) that described how the text should be formatted and how each document was linked to others elsewhere on the Web.

Those embellishments were really only recommendations, however. How a page actually looked depended on the browser, client, or device on which you viewed it. Each document had a unique URL that described where it could be found, and not much else. Once you'd retrieved it, what you did with it was up to you and your software. If you wanted to, you could even view the raw source to see how its author encoded it.

Today, that early vision is gradually being replaced by a much more complex model. The static HTML document is largely a thing of the past. In its place is a diverse range of technologies, each of which falls somewhere along a continuum that spans from the flexibility and openness of Web 1.0, all the way to a closed, binary-only paradigm that's more akin to traditional desktop software.

Plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are still there for those who want them, of course. In addition to preserving the traditional features of the Web, standards-compliant HTML allows pages to be viewed on the widest possible range of devices. For RIA developers, however, this is often an arduous road. Traditional methods are too limited to facilitate the kinds of rich application UIs that users have come to expect.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Samsung's latest mobile processor integrates 3D graphics acceleration

Hardware video acceleration is a sore subject for quite a few cellphone fans these days, but it looks like Samsung's next generation of mobile processor will speed up graphics directly by integrating a hardware video accelerator. The 65nm S3C6410 processor is based on a 667MHz ARM core but adds in 3D graphics acceleration and hardware support for H.264 and MPEG4, as well as other codecs. The chip is powerful enough to record and play VGA-res video at the same time, which Samsung says will enable higher-quality video conferencing while saving battery life -- that's what we like to hear. There's no word on when or where we might see this bad boy pop up, but with support for Linux, WinMo, and Symbian, as well as architecture support for various types of DRAM and flash memory, we'd guess there might be a few interested suitors.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Local Content dan Daya Saing Bangsa

Saya memulai diskusi dengan menjelaskan peluang-peluang yang dimiliki Indonesia dalam pengembangan konten lokal. Yang pertama fenomena menarik bahwa realita membuktikan bahwa pendataran dunia oleh Internet membuat perubahan di dunia memungkinkan dilakukan oleh individu (komunitas kecil), dan bukan lagi monopoli negara atau konglomerasi besar. Yang kedua, menurut IDC Professional Developer Model (2004), Jumlah software house di Indonesia mencapai 250 dan akan meningkat 2x dalam 5 tahun ke depan. Jumlah pengembang profesional mencapai 56500 orang dan akan meningkat sampai 71600 orang di tahun 2008. Perlu diingat bahwa total pengembang profesional di dunia adalah 13,5 juta (Indonesia menyumbang 0,5%). Sumbangan terbesar dari India (10,5%) dan Amerika (18,9%). Region Asia Pacific penyumbang developer terbesar di dunia (29,2%) disusul North America (21,7%). Dan yang menarik, saya yakin ini termasuk keunggulan komparatif bagi pengembang di Asia Pasifik, software spending per developer region Asia Pacific sangat rendah, hanya 50% dari region North America.

Indonesia bukanlah negara yang tidur dalam software development, hanya masalahnya sekarang banyak yang bergerak secara sendiri-sendiri, bergerilya dan tidak terkoordinasi. Kita dapat melihat bahwa lebih dari 200 komunitas, forum dan milis pengembang Indonesia, baik yang berkumpul karena kesamaan bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan, atau bidang software yang digarap. Juga suatu penemuan menarik bahwa banyak project-project besar (sistem egovernment dan eLearning) dibantu oleh komunitas dan perusahaan pengembang level kecil.

Website Designs in Berkshire, Oxford and Oxfordshire

you don't want to have more than five options in your menu bar as this helps create an impression of singular purpose in the mind of the visitor and it also keeps their interest focused. A simple design and keeping the visitors focus intact will mean not having more than five options in the menu bar, though you could have a number of sub menus that come up as you select any of the five main options. Next, you need to ensure that your website design Oxford, Berkshire and Oxfordshire helps make it clear what you want visitors to your website to do such as having options for contact, ordering products or services, adding comments or any other call to action which are easy to do anywhere on your website both in textual form as well as graphically. There should also be free access to help if needed since it could mean the difference between a sale and a visitor that will leave your website for the simple reason that the visitor could not get his or her question answered by someone from your website. Finally, you also need to ensure that your website design Oxford, Oxfordshire and Berkshire should be consistent among various elements of its design since the look as well as feel of your website is a summation of each individual part. Thus, even if you design your own website or get professionals to do it for you, following these simple steps should help ensure that you come up with a site that wins you visitors who turn their visits into sales and thus promotes your business further.

Are Wireless Home-Security Systems Better?

You will find that hard-wired security systems are good at self-monitoring, which is a weak point to wireless home-security systems. To the other side, obviously wireless home-security systems are much easier to install. Because there are no wires to hide, there is no house renovation needed and you can install it any time you please without much trouble. This can be particularly handy if you are temporarily renting a home that cannot have any renovation whatsoever. It allows you to still get the protection without doing any damage. While it is easier to install, wireless systems will require more maintenance and upkeep to keep it in good condition. Generally wireless systems run on batteries, which can be horrible if you do not notice. The last thing you want is to have your place burglarized because the batteries were dead in your camera. The best thing to do is inspect your wireless home-security system once a month to make sure it is working properly. If you do not want to check the batteries regularly, you can purchase a plug-in unit instead. But the number one advantage to having a wireless system is the flexibility and portability. You can quickly take down and move your camera to any area in the house without much trouble at all. There is no tearing down a mounting kit or putting holes in the walls to regain the wires. All you have to do is grab the camera and place it in the new location. There are benefits and downsides to having each of the two systems. But you have to realize that either system is better than nothing. It is up to you to decide whether you want a hard-wired security system or a wireless home-security system.

Advantages for Hunters in World of Warcraft

For solo play, I love having my own personal tank. My pet takes the vast majority of the damage, while I can fire away to my heart's content. Sure, warlocks get this advantage too...but they don't get to name their pets! Seriously, though, the different types of pets that Hunters can get far outweighs the options that Warlocks have for theirs.

And still on the subject of pets, Hunters can get a huge advantage in mining and herbalism. Many a time I have landed on a rock to mine it, only to be attacked by a mob defending it. This in itself is only a minor inconvenience, but when I am followed by some Horde who wants to "ninja" the node, he finds that he cannot. Why? Because my pet is handling the mob, while I was able to continue mining! I don't know how many rocks I have saved that way, but it has to number in the hundreds.

Another Hunter advantage that I love is Feign Death. How many times have I been the only player to survive a wipe? And my guild mates don't mind either, because they know I carry the Goblin Jumper cables on me, and may be able to revive a Healer and get the whole group back!

Social Networking Profiles as Billboards with SocialVibe

SocialVibe, whose parent company West Hollywood, CA-based Archetype Media raise $4.12 million from Redpoint Ventures in February, offers users a flash-based widget that they can embed anywhere that accepts flash widgets. Specifically, the company encourages users to embed them on Facebook and MySpace. The widget displays brand advertising (for brands like Coca-Cola, Nike, Sprint, or E*Trade) via logo art designed with the social networking set in mind or flash video.

In exchange for displaying the ads on their social networking profiles, users are rewarded with points. The more views or the longer an advertising badge stays up on a site, the more points users earn. Some sponsors also offer prizes for anyone who displays their ad widget. While users are earning points and prize drawing entries, a charity of their choice is earning cash. It sounds like a good deal for everyone involved, and it seems to be working pretty well -- most charities on the site have raised at least a couple of thousand dollars, and will continue to be able to do so as long as SocialVibe can demonstrate a good ROI for advertisers.

iLab CMS — Laboratory Management System

Cukup sulit juga untuk mengimplementasikan beberapa Use Case ke dalam logic-logic controller nya CakePHP, dan tentu saja, butuh perjuangan keras (hiks … !). Alhamdulillah, setelah browsing sana-sini, nanya sini-sana, akhirnya jadi juga. Dan yang paling sulit adalah saat berurusan dengan logic database, yang …. sebenarnya gak terlalu banyak tabel, tapi butuh relasi antar tabel yang “bujubuneng” rumitnya (hehehe, berlebihan kalee).

Oke, buat yang penasaran kayak apa jadinya, … silahkan liat di :

Pengertian Content Management System (CMS)

CMS (Content Management System) (www.mag-corp.com)adalah suatu sistem yang digunakan untuk mengelola dan memfasilitasi proses pembuatan, pembaharuan, dan publikasi content secara bersama (collaborative content management). Content mengacu pada informasi dalam bentuk teks, grafik, gambar maupun dalam format-format lain yang perlu dikelola dengan tujuan memudahkan proses pembuatan, pembaharuan, distribusi, pencarian, analisis, dan meningkatkan fleksibilitas untuk ditransformasikan ke dalam bentuk lain. Terminologi CMS sendiri cukup luas, di antaranya mencakup software aplikasi, database, arsip, workflow, dan alat bantu lainnya yang dapat dikelola sebagai bagian dari mekanisme jaringan informasi suatu perusahaan maupun global.

CMS (Content Management System) terbukti merupakan sebuah aset penting bagi perusahaan untuk mengelola content situs web dan portal secara efisien dan efektif. Saat ini, berbagai perusahaan mengkombinasikan content tak berstruktur dengan transaksi tradisional dan application logic untuk membangun aplikasi berbasis Web. Web application ini mewujudkan interaksi yang lebih personal dengan para user-nya, dan meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dengan menyediakan layanan mandiri bagi para karyawan, partner, penyedia barang dan pelanggan. Aplikasi berbasis Web yang semakin berdaya, secara tidak langsung meningkatkan peranan dan pentingnya CMS sebagai bagian dari infrastruktur aplikasi perusahaan. Alhasil, pemilihan CMS yang akan diterapkan di perusahaan tidak bisa dianggap remeh.

Dengan adanya CMS yang terintegrasi dengan sebuah WebSite akan memberikan suatu nilai lebih yang akan meningkatkan fungsionalitas dan fleksibiltas dari Web Site tersebut, terlebih pada WebSite yang tujuan pemanfaatannya sebagai media promosi dan membangun citra konsumen, dimana kontinuitas dan inovasi dalam pemasaran produk-produk secara berkala dan berkesinambungan sebagai suatu hal yang memegang peranan penting dalam tercapainya target pemasaran.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


This one-day meeting is a chance to hear about the latest uses of SPSS in fields of application by users of SPSS. There are also presentations by SPSS staffof the latest software including updates on new features in the latest version (SPSS 17).


Customer Experience Management (CEM) Professional Certificate Program

The CEM Professional Certificate Program is one of the certificate training series designed and developed by 15 GCCRM International Partners from North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Greater China. This 2-day course applies CEM essentials, strategies and methodologies on Marketing, Sales & Services provides a framework with relevant guiding principles and tools for designing the best experience to your customers. Attendees are equipred with knowledge and that can immediately apply to their business.

Metering, Billing/CRM Europe 2008

The Metering & Billing/CRM Europe conference and exhibition is the premier utility event in Europe and now in its 9th year continues to grow, consistently attracting high-level speakers and a broad range of delegates, numbering over 1350 attendees last year in Copenhagen.

The conference and exhibition furnishes strategic insights into a set of factors that will be crucial in shaping the utility marketplace during the next century. The platform will define the players and issues dominating the industry, featuring people, technologies and forces influential to creating trend outlines and turning points.

Defining Customer Facing Process Improvements in a Commoditized Marketplace

This paper outlines a typical business process re-engineering program aimed to achieve customer -facing process improvements, as a platform in the journey for operational excellence in a commoditized marketplace.

Increasing Agility and Decreasing Change Lifecycle Timeframes in SOA-based Systems

This whitepaper is intended to describe how business rules management systems (BRMS) technology helps Project and Development Managers build SOA-based systems that are responsive to the needs of Business, and require minimum efforts to implement a change

Seven Steps to Successful CRM Implementation

It is an easy trap for a company to get into — purchasing an advanced customer database system but then having company culture clashes and fear of change result in the failure of an implementation of a CRM software system. Learn from VendorGuru how your company can use these seven crucial steps to a successful long-term system implementation and find get recommendations for CRM solutions for your company.

Leveraging the Power of Industry Specific CRM

Companies saddled with inadequate CRM tools often find themselves forced with workarounds for handling important industry specific information. The latest versions of popular CRM tools offer customizations and targeted modules that can streamline and accelerate the pipeline for your company. Learn from VendorGuru how industry specific implementations have helped companies in different ways and find get recommendations for CRM solutions for your company.

Increasing Agility and Decreasing Change Lifecycle Timeframes in SOA-based Systems

This whitepaper is intended to describe how business rules management systems (BRMS) technology helps Project and Development Managers build SOA-based systems that are responsive to the needs of Business, and require minimum efforts to implement a change

Customer Behaviour Intelligence Combines with Intelligent Routing to Reduce Inbound Call Volumes

Copious amounts of data are captured in CRM’s daily. This data is typically analysed to determine the top 10 reasons for customers contacting the organization for help. The analysis becomes the basis for corrective action to minimize customer problems and for training to enhance customer experience.

Top Ten Reasons Why Your CRM should be Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Comparing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions is not an easy task for any business. Finding one that fits your other systems and processes is important. In this whitepaper, Microsoft highlights the top ten reasons why it is beneficial for your business to implement a CRM solution that works the way your business works.

Learn more from Microsoft and InterDyn Business Microvar in this whitepaper.

Easter egg Photoshop CS3

Photoshop adalah, tanpa diragukan lagi, program editor gambar terhebat. Saking hebatnya hingga istilah editing gambar itu sendiri telah berubah menjadi “photoshop”. Jadi jika ada seseorang berkata “Gambar ini sudah diphotoshop” itu artinya “Gambar ini sudah diedit”. Tapi artikel ini tidak akan menunjukkan kehebatan-kehebatan Photoshop, di sini akan ditunjukkan easter egg yang ada di Photoshop. Easter egg adalah hal-hal nyeleneh yang terdapat di dalam sebuah program komputer, dan biasanya dibuat oleh para pembuat program hanya alasan main-main saja.

Virus Simulator Alpha Version AV 1.03 Opensources

Virus Simulator AV 1.03 merupakan aplikasi untuk mensimulasikan virus windows. Aplikasi ini dapat mensimulasikan lebih dari 15 aktifitas yang dilakukan virus, beserta simulasi teknik penggandaan. Beberapa simulasi yang dapat dilakukan dengan aplikasi simulator virus ini diantaranya membuat port dan service, membuat user, menghapus user, memasukan user ke suatu group, membuat group, menghapus group, mencari registry yang berubah, injeksi registry, membuat file yang dapat dieksekusi, Virus Defence System; Folder Option, File Hidden, Monitoring and Kill Enemy Process, menghapus file program musuh, mengedit hostsript, IE monitoring dan lain-lain.

Menentukan Nilai RGB Warna dengan WhatColor

Warna sangat penting dalam mengolah gambar, mendesain suatu web atau untuk membuat blog. Dalam penempatan AdSense umpamanya, latar belakang (background) AdSense dan tulisan dapat kita atur sehingga serasi dengan latar web atau blog kita, sehingga tidak seperti tempelan-tempelan dan terlihat lebih alamiah.

Pada penentuan warna biasanya kita diminta menentukan nilai RGB dari suatu warna baik Hex (Hexadecimal) seperti FFFFFF untuk warna putih atau Dec (Decimal) seperti 255 255 255 untuk warna putih. Menghapal semua kode ini sepertinya bukan ide yang baik, menggunakan tabel warna juga tidak selalu pas dengan warna yang kita inginkan.

Plus Minus Content Management System Open Source dalam Dunia Usaha

Beberapa waktu lalu telah terbit dua seri artikel tentang content management system yang dipublikasikan dalam situs web ini. Di seri pertama kita diajak mengenal content management sistem secara definisi, manfaat apa yang bisa diperoleh dan bagaimana cara memilih software content management system yang sesuai dengan badan usaha yang dimiliki. Kemudian pembahasan ini dilanjutkan dalam seri kedua yang memaparkan sejumlah paradoks yang berkembang di dunia content management system beserta solusi alternatif terhadap produk komersial. Besar harapan setelah membaca kedua artikel tersebut pembaca memperoleh gambaran yang jelas apa itu content management system dan implementasinya dalam dunia usaha.

Dalam tulisan berikut kita akan melanjutkan pembahasan tentang content management system open source sebagai solusi alternatif bagi dunia usaha dalam mengelola content websitenya, dengan fokus utama pada pada keunggulan dan kelemahan produk content management system open source.

Dewasa ini produk-produk open source telah dilihat sebagai satu kekuatan baru yang menyeruak di tengah ramainya penawaran produk-produk komersial dan non-komersial di pasar software dunia. Hal ini didukung oleh pesatnya perkembangan teknologi internet, banyaknya jumlah pemakai web server open source seperti Apache (http://www.apache.org) di dunia serta ditopang oleh komunitas Linux yang tersebar di mana-mana. Apalagi sejumlah vendor besar seperti IBM dan Sun menggunakan dan mempromosikan teknologi open source dalam mengembangkan produk-produk andalan mereka yang kemudian ditawarkan kepada dunia usaha yang membutuhkannya.

Dynamic GoogleMap API Integration

Site visitors will have the ability to view an interactive Google map that outlines the directions and location of your worship services. Events created with an address location will automatically generate a Google Map link.

Article Manager with RSS Syndication

A church can write articles (for example: culture reviews, teachings, home group study notes) and site visitors can syndicate these articles using RSS feeds.

Streaming, Downloadable, and Podcastable Audio Sermons

Three things happen when an administrator adds a sermon to the website: 1) The sermon is added to the Flash based player that streams the sermon for the listener. 2) The sermon is made available for download on the website for users who wish to download the sermon for later listening. 3) The XML file used by podcasters is automatically updated.

Media File Manager

The media file manager will allow administrators to insert images, pdfs, docs, mp3s, flash, video, and other media into their site.

Web-Based Content Management System(CMS)

Our system is web-based, which means that a church can have multiple people log in and contribute to the online ministry. Our permission-based login system allows ministry leaders to add events, articles, and other relevant information about their specific ministries. This results in a lower burden on paid staff and better and more current content. Volunteers who serve typically have a greater commitment to the church resulting in greater outreach and support of a ministry. Since our system is web-based, there is no additional commercial software that needs to be installed on a client's computer. The software can also be accessed from any Internet connected computer anywhere in the world; from work, at home, or on the move

Page Creation and Editing

Administrators will have access to create, edit, and delete pages on the website. The navigation menu can also be edited to reflect these changes.

Code Editor for Advanced Users

A code editor is available for advanced users who may want to access the raw html code instead of using the WYSIWYG editor for making changes.

Using the Internet to Gather, Connect and as a place of Mission

More and more we need to see the internet as a mission field. As our culture moves increasingly online, this presentation discusses how churches can be missionaries to unbelievers, gather the unchurched and connect with their community. This is a session I did last week at the National New Church Conference. The session wasn't recorded but a lot of Q&A occurred as much of the information was new for the audience. Feel free to post if you have questions.

Get the Word Out! What every church needs to know about communication

Brad Abare (Center for Church Communication & Church Marketing Sucks) and I did the session: Get the Word out! What every church planter needs to know about communication. Brad covered a lot of principles of communication (influenced by Tipping Point - Gladwell, Purple Cow - Godin, Mind Your X's and Y's - Lisa Johnson). I brought some of the practical perspective from church planting and other peoples church planting experience. We also used websites as an example of how some of these principles play out. The downside of the session was it's not recorded and this pdf is missing (1) videos used, (2) a lot of the context and (3) stories from church planters to connect this. So it may come across more pragmatic then the intended. But alas,enjoy.

Feature Release 2.6.4 - Indonesia

MAG has released numerous improvements to the 2.6 release with 2.6.1 through 2.6.4, some of the highlights include:

  • E-commerce feature releases and improvements (New Payment Gateways added, enhanced discount code and sales pricing functionality)
  • Member Profiles have been expanded for users to modify their profiles.
  • Commenting features added.
  • Enhanced SlideShowPro integration

Enjoy the new releases, the next release is just around the corner with new functionality.

2.7.12 Release - Indianesia

Monk has released version 2.7.12 of Ekklesia 360. With this release we have made a number of enhancements and released new features.

The update includes:

  • Expanded publishing capabilities with future dates and content expiration. (see: Publishing Content)
  • Greater flexibility to set International Shipping Rates & Terms.
  • Improved features for Group pages with content item integration to create Group page dashboards.
  • Added functionality to allow the CMS to interact with remote files via the SFTP protocol.

The new API includes:

  • Gallery API now includes tag __imagefilename__ for the filename of the images in show_gallery tag
  • For event calendars, monthlink:yes will link the title of the month to /events/YEAR/MONTH/

This release includes 37 new features, improvements and fixes since 2.7.10.

2.7.6 Release - Indianesia

MAG Development is pleased announce that version 2.7.6 of it's flagship CMS product has been released. This release includes the following improvements:

  • Import Excel Spreadsheets directly into the Products Module.
  • Improved importing & exporting capability with images.
  • Enhanced Event Capabilities.
  • Increased speed and backend performance.

The updates also includes over 60 minor feature enhaPublish Postncements and bug fixes to all the modules.

Notable Ministry, Non-Profit & Church Website launches

Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is an organization of individuals that believes Evangelicals have largely forgotten the foundations of the Christian Gospel and is dedicated to calling on the Protestant churches, especially those that call themselves Reformed, to return to the principles of the Protestant Reformation. The Alliance consists of a who's who of pastors/theologians such as RC Sproul, Albert Mohler, CJ Mahany, John Piper, John Macarthur, Mark Dever, Jerry Bridges and many others.

University of North Texas Center for Play Therapy

The Center for Play Therapy's mission is to encourage the unique development and emotional growth of children through the process of play therapy, a dynamic interpersonal relationship between a child and a therapist trained in play therapy procedures.

3.0 Major Release indonesia

MAG Studios today released version 3.0 of their flagship Church & Ministry CMS product called MAG. With this release the product code has been re-written and the framework completely revamped. This is the first step of many as we improve the entire system. To the end-user this update will primarily impact the look & feel of the CMS but a lot of important changes were made to the code for the next enhancements we plan to bring.

We did change a few usability features on the list pages. Most are minor and shouldn't impact your use of the system, the biggest change is the Context Menu & Filters.